In this section, You'll dive more into Creating NFT Mint and Related operations

DApp states go through context level to mini React components.

Starting from dapp root → src→ views → home → index

 const mintKeypair = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();

Generate a mint account for the NFT token and pass it to a lower-level component named MintNFTButton. In this component, we receive the mintAccount as a prop and we use it to set up the mint NFT account and metadata account for NFT.

Then, mint the NFT to the minter's wallet by creating two consecutive transactions: createTokenMint and mintTo. After these transactions, the minter will have the NFT in their desired wallet or account.

The second functionality of the DApp is transferring the minted NFT to another user. To do this:

  1. Go to root → src → component → nft → NftCard.
  2. Get the buyer's public key from the UI input and create an ATA for the buyer.
  3. Use the same mint key when transferring the NFT.

This will successfully transfer the NFT to the other user.

This is just an overview of dapp’s mint state and flow for transactions.