In this section of Module 4, we will focus on enhancing the previously developed token minter program by incorporating the functionality to transfer minted tokens to another account through Cross-Program Invocation (CPI). This will include steps to build, deploy, and test the updated program.
Building, Deploying, and Testing Transfer Program

In this lesson, you will:

  • Build the enhanced spl-token-minter program.
  • Deploy and test the upgraded program.

This lesson covers the process of building the upgraded spl-token-minter program. After successfully building the program, it guides you through the steps of connecting your wallet to the devnet, airdropping testnet tokens, and deploying the program. Subsequently, we test the deployed program to ensure its functionality.

Start by opening your project's root directory in the terminal and enter:

anchor build

This command generates a target folder in the project root and compiles idl and types of our Solana program for client-side interaction using RPC methods. Next, verify your configuration:

solana config get

The expected output should be:

Config File: ~/.config/solana/cli/config.yml
WebSocket URL: wss:// (computed)
Keypair Path: ~/.config/solana/id.json
Commitment: confirmed

Set your cluster to devnet:

solana config set --url

Generate a new wallet keypair:

solana-keygen new

Check your wallet address and balance:

solana address
solana balance

If necessary, airdrop Devnet SOL:

solana airdrop 4

Begin the deployment process:


Deploy your program:

anchor deploy

You should see a deployment confirmation:

Deploying cluster:
Upgrade authority: ~/.config/solana/id.json
Deploying program "spl_token_minter"...
Program path: /path/to/your/project/target/deploy/
Program Id: <Your Program ID>

Deploy success

Update the program IDs in both your Solidity file and anchor.toml file with the new IDs. Rebuild the program:

anchor build

Ensure all dependencies are installed:

yarn install
npm install

Run the tests:

anchor test

The output should indicate the success of the tests:

Your transaction signature 5eMMtzhkGq8sZFNkLir3i7KFCua6b9itjym7mn1Gm2KBTPDjUL6p27qMba8GynZwVfvEBynF2rc57qBrtR3XZdiJ
    ✔ Is initialized! (2311ms)
Your transaction signature 38opFwF4DgQyXmtUwKgx2NDoTGsCTaWJzLqcRk49BS4x1a3hj8MyHSAn89cRvEaf6p62DVKX1u9tBzXtxSK861u9
    ✔ Create an SPL Token! (1540ms)
tokenAmount 199000000000n
    ✔ Mint some tokens to your wallet! (1794ms)
Your transaction signature 36aRV86YKuSab4iMcrBJbgcF2QskVshnFC5fQGDdoXoJm7qnpwAKJ7coXTM9ia2JNDPnr15FTvALtHT9DzvhCksQ
recipienttokenAmount 54000000000n
    ✔ Transfer some tokens to another wallet! (2814ms)

  4 passing (8s)

✨  Done in 12.26s.

solana explorer

This completes the process of building, deploying, and testing the upgraded spl-token-minter program. The successful tests confirm the program's ability to transfer tokens effectively within the Solana ecosystem.

In the next lesson, we will explore additional aspects of Solana's development, further enhancing our understanding and skills.