In this part, you will learn how to edit and create components for minting tokens directly to the minter's wallet on the frontend side of your DApp.
Creating Token Mint and Metaplex Metadata Account

Let's start with minting tokens in our DApp. Head over to the "components" folder and find the "createTokenMint" directory. Inside, you'll see a component named "CreateMintForm." Here, we use the useState hook to manage three different states:

const [txSig, setTxSig] = useState("");
const [mint, setMint] = useState("");
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);

We use these states to keep track of the transaction signature, the mint account, and the loading status of our actions.

In this component, we retrieve the current state from hooks:

const { connection } = useConnection();
const wallet = useWallet();
const { publicKey, sendTransaction } = useWallet();

We also have a function to link the transaction signature to the Solana Explorer.

const link = () => {
  return txSig ? `${txSig}?cluster=devnet` : "";

We then set up the provider, connection, and program API for executing RPC calls.

const getProgram = () => {
  const provider = new AnchorProvider(connection, wallet as any, opts);
  const program = new Program(idl as Idl, programId, provider);
  return program;

const program = getProgram();

We create data and mint accounts using random keypairs.

const dataAccount = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
const mintKeypair = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();

We proceed to define the metadata for our token.

const tokenTitle = "Temp Token";
const tokenSymbol = "TEMP";
const tokenUri = "image_url.png";

Now, let's build the createMint function to execute our transaction.

const createMint = async (event) => {


  if (!publicKey) {
    notify({ type: "error", message: `Wallet not connected!` });
    console.log("error", `Send Transaction: Wallet not connected!`);

  const createDataAccountTransaction = await program.methods
    .accounts({ dataAccount: dataAccount.publicKey })
  console.log("Your transaction signature", createDataAccountTransaction);
  console.log("Your transaction dataAccount", dataAccount.publicKey.toBase58());

  // creating metadata address
  const metaplex = Metaplex.make(connection);
  const metadataAddress = await metaplex
    .metadata({ mint: mintKeypair.publicKey });

  // create mint transaction
  try {
    const createMintTransaction = await program.methods
        wallet.publicKey, // freeze authority
        9, // 0 decimals for NFT
        tokenTitle, // NFT name
        tokenSymbol, // NFT symbol
        tokenUri // NFT URI
        payer: wallet.publicKey,
        mint: mintKeypair.publicKey,
        metadata: metadataAddress,
        mintAuthority: wallet.publicKey,
        rentAddress: SYSVAR_RENT_PUBKEY,
        metadataProgramId: new PublicKey(
      .rpc({ skipPreflight: true });
    console.log("Your transaction signature", createMintTransaction);

    let mintAccount = await getMint(connection, mintKeypair.publicKey);"mintAccount", mintAccount.address.toString());

  } catch (error) {
      type: "error",
      message: `Transaction failed!`,
      description: error?.message,
    console.log("error", `Transaction failed! ${error?.message}`);

  1. We start by setting the loading state at the beginning of the function.
  2. Then, we check if the wallet is connected.
  3. We create a data account for our Solang Solana program using an RPC call.
  4. We establish a connection with Metaplex.
  5. In the createTokenMint method, we specify the necessary arguments, accounts, and signers. This is to create the mint account and a metadata account for it.

And that's how you create a token mint and a metadata account in your DApp!